Updates on my vim configuration
updates, Vim ·I just updated my vim configuration available in my dotfiles repo. I tried to avoid tools (ie. ruby) that don’t always have on a machine (ie. raspberry pi) to install things and instead prefer (borring) shell.
Over the years I went through multiple iteration, I started stealing Metze and Tridge configuration. Then I tried Maximum-awesome this was great but there was too many plugins and a lot of configuration options that I didn’t really know they were doing so I wasn’t using a lot of it.
I went back to a more simple configuration that I think I understand and that is heavily commented and a somewhat limited set of plugins:
- tpope/vim-pathogen, because I don’t want to learn the new package manager du jour
- junegunn/fzf.vim, for the fuzzy autocomplete on filename and also GGrep
- mileszs/ack.vim, to search for strings in files and not only with
, just define your own grepprogram - sheerun/vim-polyglot, for better highlighting
- dense-analysis/ale, for async linting and language server clients
- autozimu/LanguageClient-neovim.git, another one
- Shougo/deoplete.nvim, for better autocomplete
- tpope/vim-dispatch, for non blocking actions like build or search
My install script contains other repositories (31) but I’m not convinced that I need them so I would rather travel light.
One thing that I did lately was adding support for search of visual selected words/letters, until then my keybinding (Esc + k) would search the whole word that was under the cursor by passing \b<cword>\b
to Ack
but I found myself needing to see if there was a function with the same prefix as the one under my cursor.
Let’s suppose that I had getVolume
under my cursor I could go in visual mode select getVolume
and press Esc + k and it now it would do a search for <cword>
yielding results for getVolume
but also getVolumeImperial